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What is sustainability?

Sustainability is a popular term that you've certainly heard a lot lately. But what does it really mean? According to the United Nations, “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”

Simply put, sustainability is about making choices that fulfill the necessities of the present without jeopardizing future generations' ability to meet their own needs. It is about creating a balance between what we take from the environment and what we give back, so that our actions have the least harmful impact on the earth.

How does it impact the catering industry?

Although it is impressive that caterers have adopted it as a trend because people prefer it, it's not just a trend in the industry; it's a requirement. You may be wondering what sustainability has to do with the catering industry. It has to do quite a lot, no kidding. On a serious note, with its massive resource consumption, waste creation, and environmental imprint, the food truck catering industry plays a key role in the global sustainability equation. So, if the caterers are not careful in how they do their job, it can lead to serious environmental issues in the long run.

The important features of sustainable catering

Having understood the concept of sustainable catering and its impact, we move on to the important elements of catering that have been made eco-friendly to promote a green environment in recent years.

Locally sourced food

Food that is served on your table goes through various steps of preparation. Among them, sourcing the ingredients is important. A top-tier catering service that pledges to protect the environment should source its ingredients from local farms and businesses instead of artificial food industries.

It is a way to lower the carbon footprint and support the community by collaborating with local farmers and suppliers. You're savoring the essence of the place when you eat such food. There are many key benefits that come with local food sourcing, such as

Quality food

When better and fresher ingredients are used to make food, it tastes better. You can smell the essence of nature in it.

Reduced fuel emissions

Local sourcing means you won't have to transport your materials across city or district borders, which leads to lesser fuel consumption and lower costs spent on transport.

Local business promotion

To thrive as a society, it is vital that you support and collaborate with the community you live in. Local sourcing is a fantastic way to support local farmers and sellers.

Eco-friendly packaging and serving

Sustainable catering is more than just what's on your plate; it's how that food is served to you and what kind of packaging materials it needs to end up on your table. Reduce, reuse, and recycle are the three R's that cannot be neglected. Single-use plastics are a big no-no when it comes to sustainable catering. They may be cheap, but the price has to be paid by nature itself.

What's helpful and effective in this scenario is to reduce the use of single-use plastics by using eco-friendly cutlery and packaging. Paper bags, metal cutlery, and compostable containers are much more convenient and environmentally friendly. We are proud to say that our ways are sustainable, and we also urge our clients to adapt accordingly. This way, we can ensure that the wonderful memories of your celebration do not have a negative impact on the environment.

Food waste reduction

The Harvard School of Public Health has defined and classified the loss of food into two categories:

  1. Food loss happens before the food reaches the consumer as a result of problems during the manufacturing, storage, processing, and distribution stages.
  2. Food waste, on the other hand, is food that is fit for consumption but is abandoned voluntarily during the retail or consumption phases.
Regardless of what is lost or wasted, it needs to be stopped. The proper estimation of the quantity of food to be cooked is necessary to prevent excessive food production. It's also important to choose fresh and quality products so they won't rot easily.

Furthermore, it is natural that all events have leftovers, but how they are utilized is not given much thought. Most of the time, these end up in the trash. The best catering companies know how to deal with this problem. They have policies like giving the leftovers to the staff, clients, or even charity. Such measures are helpful and a step towards a less polluted environment.

Pros of sustainable catering

With all the important aspects covered, let’s discuss the benefits we get from sustainable catering.

Positive environmental impact

The catering sector is strongly reliant on agriculture, transportation, and packaging, all of which have substantial environmental impacts. Sustainable catering reduces these effects by adopting environmentally sustainable choices in sourcing, transportation, and packaging. This not only prevents environmental damage but also conserves valuable resources.

Health oriented food

The quality and nutritional value of the food served are highly valued in sustainable catering. Catering services can create healthier and tastier meals that nurture the body by using fresh, locally produced products.

Long-term profit

Businesses that embrace sustainability will be better positioned to prosper in a changing world as resources become scarcer and environmental rules get tougher. So we can say that sustainable practices support the catering industry's long-term viability.

Final words

As we come to the end of this article on sustainable catering, we hope you've discovered that we are no ordinary food truck. We are committed to making your events memorable while caring for the environment. That's because we believe in leaving a better world for future generations.